Orders will be shipped on every business days. We use USPS for all our deliveries. We will try our best to send out every order on the same day. Otherwise orders will be sent out the next day.
If you want to return your purchase for any reason, we can offer you a full refund or exchange. The refund will be for the item itself. Unfortunately we cannot refund your shipping costs. Our returns policy entitles you to return the product within 7 days of having received it. We cannot be held responsible for any items that is lost in transit of the return process. You can contact us for an address via email.
For any further questions: [email protected]
Do not iron on printed parts of the clothing. If you decide to iron the shirt, do it while the shirt is inside out. Also, wash the items inside out. Try not to wash the items together with towels. Wash light shirts with light items only. Wash dark shirts with dark items only.